About Us

Bring your data into focus.

From Data to Intelligence
Datum Analysis has built a name for itself by developing innovative and powerful new tools that gather, coordinate and analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Our success is based on our ability to provide scalable data mining and statistical analysis solutions with flexibilities and capabilities that no other tool or firm can claim or match: a full-service system providing automated data and information collection, processing, presentation and analysis.

When paired with customized Web-based solutions that automate the delivery of data to users across an organization, those systems generate valuable insights and strategic advantages. The result is added value that cannot be achieved through any other means, saving our clients both time and money.

Datum Analysis represents the evolution from traditional, often cumbersome processes to the next generation of data mining and statistical analysis.

Data without Presentation Is Not Data at All
Perhaps most important is that Datum Analysis offers the ability to coordinate and display that information in ways that reveal patterns, unearth hidden details, and yield important revelations. Because while these powerful data collection and coordination tools yield the most relevant and complete data set available, it is only part of the story.

Datum Analysis understands that raw data is little more than untapped potential. The real power of its systems comes from their ability to organize that data in ways that can reduce or eliminate liabilities, develop strategic responses to customer and industry trends, improve service and functionality, create new efficiencies, and add value across a wide range of applications.

An exceptional degree of customizable flexibility means that tools can be developed for individual cases and broader categories, expanding functionality and making the Datum Analysis tools capable of not only identifying large-scale trends and important patterns, but also parsing out critical information surrounding an individual product or a single customer. Comparative analysis and unified reporting enables users to instantly draw up and visualize trends and patterns.

Setting a New Standard, Opening Endless Possibilities
Datum Analysis’ nimble and aggressive team of developers has taken months off of the development and re-development lifecycle. The intelligent logic built into the system allows for exceptionally quick turnaround time on requests to further refine an existing system. Working with virtually any data source, Datum Analysis can incorporate new data sources with existing data sources and/or modify data presentation functionality in a matter of days, whereas it is otherwise customary to wait months for such development upgrades and enhancements.

Whether one needs to find a needle, or more generally wants endless possibilities with which to sort the haystack itself, Datum Analysis provides the expertise to solve the problem and the tool to do the work.